The big buzz around the SEO world is Google Caffiene! Is it new, is it different, is it better is it worse, is it knee jerk reaction to Microhoo Bing . On the webmaster central blog, Google Software Engineer Sitaram Iyer and Senior Software Engineer Matt (I love cats I do ) Cutts wrote :-
” For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture for Google’s web search. It’s the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions ”
Now that is no mean statement is it. And the new test bed can be seen here. google are currently asking people to give feedback on the new system. and the way to do that is
” Right now, we only want feedback on the differences between Google’s current search results and our new system. We’re also interested in higher-level feedback (“These types of sites seem to rank better or worse in the new system”) in addition to “This specific site should or shouldn’t rank for this query.” Engineers will be reading the feedback, but we won’t have the cycles to send replies.
Here’s how to give us feedback: Do a search at and look on the search results page for a link at the bottom of the page that says “Dissatisfied? Help us improve.” Click on that link, type your feedback in the text box and then include the word caffeine somewhere in the text box. Thanks in advance for your feedback! “
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