Decaffeinated Google, the End of the Caffeine Trial

So the great new Google search engine update trial is over, and we can look forward to getting shiny new results that bounce better than a bouncy thing (for a while anyhow)

Announced by Google on their Sandbox which has been up for a number of months now.

Thank you!

We appreciate all the feedback from people who searched on our Caffeine sandbox.

Based on the success we’ve seen, we believe Caffeine is ready for a larger audience. Soon we will activate Caffeine more widely, beginning with one data center. This sandbox is no longer necessary and has been retired, but we appreciate the testing and positive input that webmasters and publishers have given.


Matt Cutts has said that it is unlikely to roll out completely before Christmas, but can we be sure? us Uk’ers have had more to be concerned about than anyone, as we have yet to see ‘proper’ UK based results from caffeine, due to the complicated algorithm that controls geo locating.

No doubt, sometime soon, business and webmaster forums will be chock a block with new threads about ‘my site has gone’!

All in  a days work I guess, but not so nice for those who suffer not being teachers pet any longer through seemingly no fault of their own.

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