Google have really started pushing the boat out today. Hot on the heels of their force page re-index , service they have launched the biggest shake up in manual snitching on your mates… oops I mean Spam reporting that we have seen pretty much since Google kicked off.
The new spam reporting page allows and encourages you to specifically report
Paid links
Objectionable content (good luck on that one google)
pages that abuse Google products (breaching T&C)
Disclosing personal/private info
Something else.
MOST IMPORTANTLY In My mind, Copyright and other legal issues.
Seems like Google really have listened and realised that they need to start delivering some sort of customer service thing. which for me is the one MAJOR LEAGUE element that has been missing.

the page is located here
Nice to see some better guidance
It’s about time Google clamped down on Copyright infringement, taking into account the amount of time people can spend creating their own content, images, etc.
Hopefully other search engines, especially Yahoo and Bing will follow suit!
I for one will be snitching on every one of my mate!(joke)