Google getting 10 times more search than nearest rival in the UK

According to stats released over the last few days, Google has STORMED ahead in its share of the UK market. If searching in the US is known as googling, then in the UK search IS Google.

Google is now BY FAR the biggest, in fact TEN TIMES BIGGER than its closest rivals in terms of search volume in the UK market.

Google 77% (US = 44.7%)
Yahoo 7% (US 28.5% )
MSN 7% (1US 2.8%)
ASK 5% (US 5.1%)
others 4% (work it out for yourself I am too lazy, but Time Warner (AOL etc) got 5%)

Stats provided by Hitwise May 2006 with the US stats from comscore

So for anyone who thinks google is not that important in the UK, THINK AGAIN

One Response to “Google getting 10 times more search than nearest rival in the UK”

  1. OWG – This sort of fits with my stats – both for the UK and overseas. Do you have any info on the proportions of google search for the UK by origin?

    e.g. – UK – Oz – Canada

    I get more from Oz tha UK, which is kind of surprising…