I was Moderating over at Highrankings earlier today, when the above question was asked. I gave the standard reply of as many as it takes but keep it to readable chunks. I was then asked what a readable chunk is defined as! What is a readable chunk? I would say that it is a section that […]
Google Converts Spammers
At LONG last, Google has worked out a drum that I have been banging for a long time now. You can NOT fiddle outbound links! In his blog Matt Cutts has posted how a change to the algorithm has altered rankings and crawling dramatically, and how your outbound links can affect how your viewed. WELL HELLO […]
Basic Search Engine Optimisation Part4
So far we have covered the basics, set out our stall, and began the process of keyword research. Today we roll our sleeves up and lay the foundations for a successful website. OK, you now have a list of words that are relevant to your industry If you have used word tracker overture etc you will […]
Basic Search Engine Optimisation Part3
Well I was going to answer some questions today, but due to the many emails I received, I am continuing with another section of the basic guide to SEO. I am now glad that I set up this blog, as had I not, then I doubt this article (well it is an ebook really) would […]
Basic Search Engine Optimisation Part2
In part 2 we follow on with the basics of design as part of optimising your site. In Part 1 we ended with the following list and explanation:- Look Feel Speed Navigation Focus Although the above are really design considerations, design is one of the keys to good rankings and having a successful website. With […]