Google Chrome still #1

Just a rocket quick post to say that as of now Google are #1 again in the SERP’s . YES! They are of course #1 top for the term ‘browser’ via Google Adwords :p

Google Buy Socialgrapple, the Social Graph Company

This is really interesting as it shows clearly that Google are moving more and more into social signals for their algorithm.  For some time it was believed, then a short while ago Google announced that they use social as a signal, and this aquisition puts things beyond doubt. Google want their finger on the pulse […]

Google start blocking Referrer Data.

In a move announced today on the Google Blog , Google announced that it will be blocking referrer data for all referrals from those signed in to a secure SSL. Oh… Apart of course from Google Adwords. Various reasons have been given for this, but I think this is probably all about Google making it […]

Google Release new Spam reporting facility

Google have really started pushing the boat out today. Hot on the heels of their force page re-index , service they have launched the biggest shake up in manual snitching on your mates… oops I mean Spam reporting that we have seen pretty much since Google kicked off. The new spam reporting page allows and […]