Yep, those pesky Googleites are at it again. Page & Brinn (why do I always think of a firm of casting agents when I hear that? . Those wild guys down at the plex had a rummage around in their old furniture and found the odd $3.1 billion lying around, so the bought Double click. […]
Google expand their Data Storage home.
Google are fighting back at their data storage problems by building a new $600M extension to their Data Centre in Berkeley County, according to data-centre knowledge . Google has for a long time suffered from storage problems, in fact Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google) voiced this last here when he actually used the phrase “those machines […]
Google Website Optimiser launched.
Google have today as reported by mediapost, launched in open Beta their website optimiser software, that is designed to help you convert your PPC traffic at the highest possible level by making it simple to test different landing pages, and deliver the one which converts best, thereby giving you more bang for the buck or […]