How nuts is this then? Not content with radio and print ads, Google is now having a go at (what to me was always the logical step) HYBRID advertising! Google has filed a patent that will allow see them build kiosks and other such units to allow them to interactively advertise LOCAL products and services. […]
Adsense MAJOR change in T&C
OK this is not exactly new news, but it appears that this MAJOR LEAGUE news slipped below the radar, and it could have a devastating effect on AdSense publishers who are not aware. Thousands of people will be reading forum threads about using images placed alongside AdSense, many threads will even include emails from Google […]
PR ZERO but don’t worry
New Web Marketing Blog for the UK!
Well folks it sems like DMOZ has gone forever! A post on Rich Skrentas blog (founder of DMOZ) says Apparently the machine holding dmoz in AOL ops crashed. Standard backups had been discontinued for some reason; during unsuccessful attempts to restore some of the lost data, ops blew away the rest of the existing data on […]