WHY? Why do so many directories only allow the submission of your homepage? How can a site that covers multiple topics have the home page as its most relevant page for all of them? It cant. So we have launched a new deep-link only directory called www.deeplylinked.com submit your deep link most relevant pages to […]
What is King Content or Links ?
This is the argument that many have been making for a few years now. But while all this debate has been going on, those who knew who the real king is sat, smiled, and got on with earning money. Those who knew and understood what it is all about just kept doing it, and watching […]
Asking Open Questions – Six Honest Men To Help You Sell and Close Deals
I was over at Small Business Ideas Forum where I moderate, and someone brought up cold calling on the telephone. Now cold calling is something I loved, as I did a LOT of it way back in my sales and advertising early days. I have also helped clients with their cold calling setup, so this was right […]
Beating the Content Thieves – stolen website content
You toil over a hot keyboard fry your brain to get the words ‘just right’ and announce your writings to the world. Only to find that within a short period of time someone has stolen your hard work! What can you do about it? Firstly I have to say that the instant you create anything, […]
How to cut down your offline advertising spend
A question over at Small Business Brief made me think how good it would be to share the information I have gleaned on how to cut your advertising spend. I think it was John Wanamaker that said “Half of my advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which half”, well the technology of the web […]